Webinar- “Research, preserve and restore old photographs” Peter King

Webinar talks by Peter King. A one hour talk and Powerpoint presentation consisting of, A historical background of photography, How to date photographs, Preservation of photographs, Scanning, copying photographs, Organising photographs,Photo restoration. A popular talk which has been modified from the usual group session because of Covid 19. Held regularly by various libraries, historical societies, … Continued

Faded photographs.

Faded photographs Fading has been a problem since the earliest days of photography. In 1855 The Photographic Society of London established “The Fading Committee”, a title that now seems quaint. The early photographs often show tarnishing or oxidisation caused by exposure to air. “Albumen” prints faded because of the decomposition of the silver-albuminate compounds. Humidity and … Continued

Dating family photographs.

A “timeline” of photography can help to better understand the main photographic developments. In the context of family history photo research, it is important to know type of photograph you are looking at, and when they were made. In the early years of photography, the main advances occurred in the period between 1840-1880. When doing photographic … Continued

Bubble glass frames

Oval bubble glass frames are often advertised for sale on ebay. These are dated from the 1890’s to the 1920’s. The mouldings vary from the elaborate made from plaster, to the more common timber. One often seen is called “Tiger Wood”. (not to be confused with the famous golfer!) The photograph in the frame was … Continued

Commercial Street photography

Commercial Street Photography Many people have photographs taken by commercial street photographers in their collections. Sometimes they are the most candid and personal of  photographs. Taken unprepared, people were seen relaxed, rather than posed as so often they are. Street photographers were a common sight from the 30’s through to the late 50’s in many … Continued